Communities That HEAL (CTH)

As part of the HEALing Communities Study (HCS), the Communities That HEAL (CTH) intervention adapted the Communities That Care (CTC) model to align with HCS goals and objectives. CTH implements a multi-phase process where community coalitions examine local data and community assets to select and support the implementation of a set of evidence-based practices (EBPs) from the Opioid-overdose Reduction Continuum of Care Approach (ORCCA) menu. EBP selection and implementation is bolstered by communication campaigns to reduce stigma related to opioid use disorder (OUD) and medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and increase demand for EBPs. The overall premise is that engaging relevant sectors of the community, including people with lived OUD experience, will lead to community-relevant selection and implementation of EBPs. 

Dr. Hunt leads a coalition.

County Spotlight: Cayuga County participated in HCS as a Wave 1 County. PBS documented their work in reducing fatal opioid overdose deaths. Click here to read and watch the news story. 

Demo Our CTH Tools

Coalition Rubric

A coalition rubric is one tool that can help the leaders of a coalition determine which individuals and organizations to invite to become members. It can also be used at multiple time points to assess and reassess coalition composition. Click here to download.

Agent Based Modeling (ABM)

Click here to learn more about ABM and here to use our interactive ABM tool that models the impact of OEND and MOUD on fatal overdoses.

Interactive Resource Maps

As part of their Landscape Analysis, participating HCS communities put together resource maps, click here for an Orange County example.  

Dashboard Demo (Proxy County)

Through the CTH phases, participating counties had access to dashboards focused on key metrics around overdose, OEND, MOUD, Communications, and Safer Prescribing. Click here to view.